Friday, 25 July 2014

Project Description

A few weeks ago, at the end of June I lost my Grandma. I'm the first of her grandchildren to go to University and I always expected my Graduation photograph to join her collection of family photographs. Now, I want my Grandma to be part of my degree, and I am making this project all about her.

My idea is to photograph her, through the old photos and albums that she kept, through the momentos that family have kept that belonged to her, and through the family members that are left behind. I would like to include her four children, ten grandchildren and and seven great-grandchildren in this project.

To photograph the photographs, should not be too difficult. Some, I would like to take to places where they were taken. Beachfronts for instance. Others, I will take in neutral environments such as the family homes. I have considered scanning some that are particularly special, where an environment would not do the photograph justice.
As for the belongings and momentos people have kept, these I would like to photograph in the new homes and new spaces they live in. For instance, I have kept a couple of teapots which stand in my bedroom. These will be photographed on the top they now stand on. Anybody who has some jewellery should be shot wearing it.
In order to include the family, I am going to do a series of portraits. I would like to photograph everybody together if this is possible as well as individual and smaller group portraits. To be able to photograph the three generations seperately would be good. I would also like to include new part of the family, where people have married in. Everybody knew my Grandma. 

As well as a selection of prints from this project, I would like to build a book. I think this would be a nice way to collate the whole story, and include as much information about the person she was as possible. I am also considering including memories that have been written down, but this I will decide on much later. 

This project is going to be huge, but it will be worth it. I don't want this project to be sad, I want it to be a positive thing. A reflection on her personality and life. 

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