Sunday, 19 October 2014

Shoot 3

The items my Mum and Dad have kept were brought out this weekend for me to photograph. I quite enjoyed working with these as they were pretty felxible with where I could put some of them. For example the vases that aren't always in use, are kept in cupboards. Meanwhile the blue vases (picture 4&5) are always kept on the windowsill. The same with the bell and gold jug - they have permanent homes.

Whilst I like this photograph for the setting and the angle it was taken at, not all of the bell is in focus. This is a shot I would like to try and reshoot.

My Gran gave this jug to my Mum before she passed away and it has always been on display by the fireplace. I really like the photograph but the grit on the top is a shame. For this reason I would like to reshoot it.

Does this frame need to be brighter? 

These vases were a challenge to photograph as I did not want to move them away from where they are kept on the windowsill.  I tried lots of photographs from lots of angles but this one is my favourite. The vibrant blue is very eye-catching, and the second vase is also visible in the background.

I also tried to get the shot from outside, but I don't feel like this worked very well. The pot is emphasised but not my Grans vases.

These glasses once belonged to my Grandad, my Gran kept hold of them and I think these are my Dads favourite items out of all those we have got. I can't work out if there is a better way to photograph them?

Whilst this image is slightly underexposed I really like the bold red against the glass. It stands out a lot.

This image doesn't feel as though it fits with the pictures I shot of the other items. It's very light and has a natural feel to it because of the colours. I do think it could work though.

The tea set was another challenging collection to photograph and I tried multiple set-ups with it. I really like this shot with the sugar bowl as the focus and just hints of the other cups.It does bug me slightly that the saucers are not even on either side. I reckon I could get past this though.

I'm less keen on this photograph of it individually, but there is a more natural feel to the frame. In use, the set would not be seen as a collection.

Overall, I am pleased with these pictures and I am excited to see where it goes next. Feedback on the photographs would also be nice?

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