Sunday, 9 November 2014

Group portraits

Over the course of the weekend I shot a whole range of portraits. Usually not my forte, but I am pleased with how it went and the results that I got. Below are a selection of the better images. Only the group portraits are shown.

Aunty Elaine and Uncle Bill.

Uncle Chris and Aunty Nene.

Uncle Gordon and Aunty Julie.

The four siblings. This photograph is a remake of a photograph they had taken together as young children.

Again, the four children together. This photograph is another remake of a younger photograph.

The Grandchildren. Sadly three people are missing so not complete but no such photograph exists already. Shot by Allan Kettlewell.

Closer shot of the Grandchildren. Shot by Allan Kettlewell.

Samantha and her boys.  I like the fact that neither of the two boys are looking at the camera but they do share a gaze elsewhere.. the reflector and my Dad making shadow puppets in the light.

Suzzanne and the girls. 

Louise and Chloe.

The only portrait I have left to shoot as a group is one of my Mum and Dad together. Sadly my Mum was ill over this weekend with a migraine so I was not able to shoot one. 

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